Study Abroad

Studying abroad leads to personal growth, global awareness and unique career opportunities. Moreover students gain cross cultural skills, expand their network and broaden their horizons. This allows them to experience the transformative, gain valuable insights and create lasting memories.

Study Abroad

Our Winning Streak

  • 900+ top international university partnerships across 20+ countries
  • India’s Leading Overseas Education Consultancy since 1991
  • 24 branches across India with more to come
  • 350+ experienced and trained counselors
  • Over 33 years experience of turning students' dreams into reality.
  • 200,000+ student lives transformed
  • 99% visa success rate - highest in the industry
  • Awarded ‘Agency of the Year’ in 2020 by AIRC

Meet our Students

Study Abroad


University of Sydney, Australia
Study Abroad

Archana Sidhwani

Sheridan College, Canada
Study Abroad

Kariveda Rukhmini Reddy

Bradley University, USA
Study Abroad
Let Our Team reach out to you


  • What are the top universities abroad for international students?

    Some of the best universities for international students are Harvard and MIT in the USA, Oxford and Cambridge in the UK, ETH Zurich in Switzerland, and the University of Toronto in Canada.

  • When should I start the process to study abroad?

    Early planning is the key to successful study abroad. In order to find the program that is the right “fit” for your personal and academic objectives, you should begin planning your study abroad process as early as you can.

  • What are the best countries to study abroad for Indian students?

    The Best countries to study abroad includes the UK, the USA, Canada and Australia. These are also the best countries for international students to study and work.

  • Should I apply to one university/country or more?

    With Edwise, you can do that conveniently. We counsel for 16 countries and 900+ institutions. We suggest that you apply to more than one country and more than one university.

  • Do we assist in Educational Loans?

    You can easily achieve your dream of studying abroad even if you have limited funds. Educational loans can be an important part of your overall funding strategy. We at Edwise provide you the opportunity to avail an educational loan that covers all aspects of higher education including college fees, cost of books & accommodation.